- 22% Albato


Original price was: $37.00.Current price is: $29.00.

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9.1/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #1 in category Automation
Ease of Use
Features & Integrations
Customer Support
Value for Money
Likelihood to Recommend
  • Clean UI/UX with Good Onboarding Guides.
  • Native Integration with 600+ Apps
  • Features like Filter Trigger, Router (If-else conditions), Auto Retry, 30 day History Logs Custom Apps Integrator, Schedule API Calls & Parallel Execution etc.
  • No Data Forwarders
  • Not much Pre-built Automation Templates.
  • Needs More Tutorials and Case Studies.

What is Albato?

Albato is a no-code workflow automation tool which helps in automating tasks between cloud services without the need of any technical or coding knowledge.

What is Workflow Automation?

Workflows are the automated tasks that happen behind the scenes in your business to ensure that your products, services, and customers are handled as efficiently as possible.

Automation can make complex business processes easier to manage. When a form is filled, an event is occurred, or internal signal is triggered, automated workflows can move or transform data according to your instructions.

Workflow automation software makes it easy for non-technical users to create automated work flows without the need of any programming skills. With drag-and-drop, form, or flow chart builders you can create automated workflows that can easily handle data transformation and repetitive tasks saving your time and money.

General Information

🌐 WebsiteAlbato
📅 Founded in2018
👤 CEO & FounderMikhail Fedorinin
🕵️ MissionTo make business easy, achievable, and accessible to anyone around the world
📱 LinkedIn PageCheck Here
🛣️ RoadmapCheckout Here
💸 Free PlanAvailable
💰 Seed Funding$1M (Januray 2021)
🚀Product HuntProduct Hunt Launch
💬 Customer SupportLive Chat & Knowledge Base
🏆 Awards/ Achievements#1 Product Hunt Product of the Day
📈 Website Traffic (Similarweb)60,000+ Visitors/ Month

Specification: Albato

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Albato Plans and Pricing

Albato offers 7 days free trial (500 transactions) as well as 100 transactions on Free forever plan. The paid plans starts at $15 per month.

  • Basic Plan ($15/month): Best for individuals with limited data
  • Standard Plan ($42/month): Best for small businesses with multiple tasks
  • Pro Plan ($104/month): Larger limits for midsize businesses
  • Enterprise ($162/month): Best for handling enterprise data volume

Albato Lifetime Deal

For a limited time period, you can grab Albato LTD on their official website.


Frequently Asked Questions

Albato is a no-code platform which helps in Automating Tasks between Cloud Services without the need of any Technical or Coding Knowledge.

White-label integrations (Embedded Solution) for SaaS allows customers to integrate with other applications without leaving the interface managed by Albato’s Partner Company. If you are interested in embedding bespoke client-facing integrations in your SaaS platform, please email Albato at l.goldfarb@albato.com.

What are Dedicated Queue Handlers?

Queue handler is a technical term which describes the implementation of code in code base to help to manage a huge amount of data. In some cases Albato can receive 1 million webhooks when some migration or changes in CRM system happens which can affect speed of all account operations. To address this concern, dedicated queue handlers are used to speed up the work.


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Original price was: $37.00.Current price is: $29.00.

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